David Kingery
Everett Attleson
President Elect
Frances Barbini
Cameron Donaldson
Tara Conley
for children, youth and fun!
Tell us your Zion story:
I was introduced to Zion by a close friend with children attending ZLP (preschool). Once I became familiar with the church I felt assured with bringing my greatest gift from God (Hawkins, my son) to learn and grow here.
One goal I have for Zion is:
“Connection” sums up my overarching goal for the church. From recording and sharing personal accounts of church history and showing faces with names of members to help us all know who is who along with what they do, to fostering intergenerational experiences and bridging preschool families with opportunities of faith, I’m certain these connections will strengthen us all and Zion, too!
Kathy Deck
for elders & homebound
Tell us your Zion story:
I have been a member of Zion for about three and a half years. I’ve served as the Advisory Board Secretary through 2022, and have just begun my 3-year term as one of four Members-at-Large. My responsibilities include the Elder/Homebound Connection. Theology of Aging & Worship Ministries. I’ve been working with the tech team, and especially enjoy sewing with the heavenly quilters.
One goal I have for Zion is:
for Zion to become a neighborhood center for activities and resources for those who reside near our campus. We’ve enjoyed several activities such as Oktoberfest, outdoor church services, Easter Egg hunts, etc. I’m looking forward to getting our indoor pickleball project started, with hopes of adding outdoor courts eventually. Our building is currently being used for community group meetings, clinics, and classes. The possibilities are endless and exciting for our members and our neighbors!
Roger Nicome
for theology and spirituality
Tell us your Zion story:
I have been a member of Zion since 2021. I joined during the pandemic so my first exposure to Zion was during baptism on the front steps then later on Zoom for Bible study. From the beginning, I loved the energy of the congregation: how welcoming everyone was and how open they were to hearing my story and learning from each other.
One goal I have for Zion is:
One goal I have for the church is that we continue to explore topics that can help with spiritual growth; I love that we have a vibrant book club and Adult Education where we can learn so much about the church and how we can better reflect on God’s love for each other and in the community.
Chris Hicks
for service, justice & diversity