Mindy Roll,
M.Div, D.Min
Pastor Mindy Roll has been the pastor at Zion since April 2020. Originally from Houston (and THRILLED to be back in this incredible city), Mindy is a 2003 graduate of Texas A&M (Political Science), a 2007 graduate of Yale Divinity School (Lutheran Studies), a 2011 graduate of the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (Pastoral Theology/Pastoral Care), and earned a Doctor of Ministry degree at Brite Divinity School (Spirituality, Leadership, & Justice).
Prior to her call at Zion, Pastor Mindy served as the Lutheran Campus Pastor at Texas A&M and Blinn College (Treehouse) from 2010-2019. From 2019-2020, she and her family lived at Holden Village, an intentional Christian community in the Northern Cascades in the wilderness of Washington state. Pastor Mindy has also lived with the Iona Community in Scotland. She enjoys writing plays, running at a walking pace, jumping into ice-cold lakes, and deliciously snow-free Texas winters.
Pastor Mindy, along with her husband Tom and their two children, are beyond thrilled to be at Zion.
A note from Pastor Mindy:
One of the things that drew me to Zion was the incredible warmth of the congregation and their desire to BE the love of Christ among their neighbors in new ways. If you are thinking about visiting Zion, welcome! Whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself on your journey of faith, know that there is a place for you in this community.
I’d love to take you to coffee to learn your story and get you connected (send me a note – pastor@zlchouston.org). God’s joy and peace to you~